restifem Video
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Restifem is a pessary for relief and stabilization of the pelvic floor, especially after birth. Find out more about the effectiveness of restifem in cases of urinary incontinence and prolapse.

If you lose urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing or during physical exertion, you should actively strengthen your pelvic floor. Read how you can actively take control yourself.
Active against
descensus-related problems
descensus-related problems

45-75% of women suffer from descensus-related problems during their lifetime. However, these can be treated non-surgically. Get active today and find out what you can do!
Customer testimonials
“I am very pleased with the pessary. Before I tried different sieve cup pessaries and a cube pessary, but only this one is comfortable to wear and does not slip around. It also makes the most sense for me from the construction (I am an engineer myself). I’m surprised that something like this hasn’t come onto the market sooner.”
“Because of a lowering of the uterus and vagina (with recto- and cystocele) I was prescribed restifem. Initially the pessary slipped out of the vagina from time to time. Now I can insert it deeper. The pessary does not bother me and does not slip out anymore. Thanks to sufficient support and successful pelvic floor training everything has straightened up again.”
“Yesterday I tried the pessary for the first time and found it very comfortable all day long.”
“Basically, I find the handling very good, better than the cube the gynaecologist prescribed for me.”
“I would like to thank you for crediting me 18 €, although I ordered the pessaries M and S separately. I would also like to thank you for this wonderful invention.” (Note VIOMED: One set costs 98 Euros, two individual pessaries 116 Euros)
“I gave birth 2 months ago and since then I have been suffering from an extensive cystocele and a slight uterine prolapse. Restifem helps me to cope with moving short distances and short walks without the tissue descending so far down that it would rub in my panties. Without restifem, walks would be torture for me and I would mainly lie down. However, when I go to the toilet the pessary slips out downwards so that I have to push it back again. The skin compatibility is optimal.“
“I have been using restifem for about 8 months. I am very pleased.”
“When my son was born, the levator muscle tore bilaterally. Unfortunately, neither medium nor small are working for me.”